Special Issue on Modelling and Analysis in Musical Acoustics
Call for papers
August 01, 2020
Expected publication
March 31, 2021
Submission deadline
December 31, 2020
Paper length
>10 pages
750 EUR
The sound and vibration of musical instruments has intrigued the world for years. However, the physical characterization and modelling of many musical instruments is not yet studied to great details. Even if some instruments like guitar and violin are studied, the connection of modal shapes of body with music is also not studied in great details. This Special Issue intends to collect studies about the acoustics and vibration of all available musical instruments. This issue is intended for researchers who intend to propose a high level of unpublished research, both with theoretical and experimental modeling and characterization of musical instruments.
Potential topics
Include but are not limited to the following:
- Analytical, numerical and experimental modelling of Musical Instruments
- Modelling of Speech, singing and the acoustics of the vocal tract
- Modelling of musical instruments and connection to music
- Sound radiation patterns and its connection to music