Published: 31 December 2008

Bifurcation analysis by method of complete bifurcation groups of the driven system with two degrees of freedom with three equilibrium positions

V. Yu. Yevstignejev1
M. V. Zakrzhevsky2
I. T. Schukin3
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This paper devoted to application of the new method of complete bifurcation groups (MCBG), which shows very good results in single-degree-of-freedom tasks, for global bifurcation analysis of systems with two degrees-offreedom on example of two-mass chain system with symmetrical elastic characteristic with two potential wells between masses. It is shown, that using of the MCBG allows to implement global bifurcation analysis of nonlinear oscillators with 2 DOF, and to find new nonlinear effects, bifurcation groups, and unknown before periodic and chaotic regimes

About this article

10 September 2008
02 December 2008
31 December 2008
driven system
bifurcation analysis
method of complete bifurcation groups
rare chaotic and regular attractors
fully unstable subharmonical isles