Advances in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (ACCUS) ISSN (Online) 2783-686X. Climate change is a serious environmental issue facing the world today. Most promising technique to tackle climate change is through Carbon capture utilization and storage commonly known as CCUS. It is a unique technique, which could enable human race to tackle climate change. The aim of the journal is to publish high quality articles targeting full value chain associated with Carbon capture, transport, storage, utilization and modelling.
Established in 2022 and published 2 times a year (semiannually).
Editorial board

All of Extrica's content is archived in Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals.
What is Carbon Capture and Storage?
Carbon capture and storage is a technology to trap and store carbon dioxide emissions, typically from large sources like power plants, to mitigate the impact of these emissions on climate change.
Understanding Carbon Utilization and Capture
Carbon utilization involves converting carbon dioxide into useful products, while carbon capture and storage (CCS) refers to capturing carbon dioxide emissions from sources like power plants and storing it underground to prevent its release into the atmosphere.
What are 3 Different Types of Carbon Storage?
- Geological Storage: Storing CO2 in underground geological formations.
- Ocean Storage: Injecting CO2 deep into the ocean, where it is absorbed.
- Mineral Carbonation: Converting CO2 into stable carbonate minerals.
Journal of Advances in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (ACCUS)
ACCUS, part of Extrica's journal collection, focuses on research related to storage technology, carbon capture, and its utilization. The journal covers the causes and effects of climate change, technological advances in carbon capture, and examples of successful implementations.
Key Areas Covered in ACCUS
- Technology and Methods: Examines advanced methods and processes in carbon capture and storage.
- Climate Change Impacts and Solutions: Discusses the role of carbon capture in mitigating climate change impacts.
- Research Papers and News: Presents the latest research findings and news in the field.
- Challenges and Risks: Analyzes problems and risks associated with carbon capture and storage technologies.
The Advances in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage journal provides a comprehensive perspective on the technologies, methodologies, and trends in the field, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners.