Published: 30 September 2007

Physical capacity and balance ability after lower limb amputation

D. Jurgeleviciene1
D. Janoniene2
A. Juocevicius3
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"The mean causes of lower extremity amputation, and the main goals and means of comprehensive rehabilitation in period of prior to surgery, acute postoperative and prosthetic training has been presented in this paper. In the paper are described most common problems after lower limb amputation, such as deterioration of muscle strength and balance and scientific search of optimal rehabilitation programs for patients after lower limb amputation on regaining and development balance and walking ability. It was formed some conclusions: applied individual comprehensive rehabilitation program increase lower limb amputees physical capacity and functional independence; properly selected and fitted lower limb prosthesis improves patients balance and walking abilities"

About this article

14 March 2007
18 June 2007
30 September 2007
lower limb amputation
physical capacity
balance ability