Published: 31 December 2008

Empyrical model of layered piezoactuators

L. Patašiene1
A. Fedaravicius2
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Complex piezomaterials are frequently used in various mechanical systems. The piezomaterial, used in layered piezoactuators requiring high precision displacements, has indicated that accuracy depends on their design and technological factors.. The bifurcation problem of layered piezoactuator has been solved by evaluating physical properties of piezoelements and sealing material. That created posibility to prove that layered piezoactuators have a lot of possibilities of static operation. The original solution of layered piezoactuators enabled the choice of optimal initial stresses in piezostacks. Empyrical model of layered piezoactuators has revealed possibilities to optimize design of various mechanical systems

About this article

01 November 2008
02 December 2008
31 December 2008
layered piezoactuators
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