Published: 30 September 2008

Investigation of compression of elements of packaging materials

E. Kibirkštis1
A. Dabkevicius2
A. Kabelkaite3
L. Ragulskis4
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A one-dimensional model for the analysis of compression of a paper in the printing machine is presented. It is assumed that a paper experiences static compression and the problem of initial stability is solved. A two-dimensional model for the analysis of compression of a paper is described and used for the solution of a similar problem. Also an axi-symmetric model for the analysis of compression of a paper is described and used for the solution of a similar problem. A setup for performing experimental investigations of uniaxial unidirectional symmetrically distributed compression of polymeric film is designed and created. For this purpose the method of digital speckle photography is used. During the investigations the images of the stability eigenmodes of the polymeric film HDPE for uniaxial unidirectional compression of the film were determined. The obtained results are used in the design of the elements of the printing machine

About this article

11 June 2008
27 August 2008
30 September 2008
polymeric film
experimental setup
speckle photography
image processing
correlation analysis
printing machine
finite elements
axi-symmetric problem