Published: 30 September 2008

Coupling of energy flows from internal combustion engine and electrical motor in hybrid vehicle

M. Starevicius1
K. Pilkauskas2
J. Sapragonas3
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Dynamical model of the hybrid electrical vehicle transmission with internal combustion engine and electrical motor driving the rear and the front wheels accordingly is developed. Particular elements in it are described using classical transmission elements. The model is used for the analysis of acceleration process when the engine and motor operate in non stationary regimes and transmission elements are in transition regimes of motion. Non linear models for clutch and wheel-road interaction description are used. The gear box control algorithm was developed and the vehicle prototype was constructed and tested. The experimental results proved the model validity. The difference in numerical and experimental results for the acceleration at 400 m. distance does not exceed 10 %. The model could be the background for the simplified control algorithm development with no mechanical link between the transmissions. Numerical modeling and experimental research show the functionality of the algorithm. The performed numerical modeling revealed that different from commonly used criteria for velocity ratios selection in the gear box are necessary

About this article

19 June 2008
29 August 2008
30 September 2008
hybrid vehicle
tyre road interaction