56th International Conference on VIBROENGINEERING is an integral part of Vibroengineering Series Conferences and will be held in Zittau, Germany.
Conference is dedicated to researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research results, foster discussion, new ideas, develop partnerships and also publish a conference paper in Vibroengineering Procedia. All JVE Conferences are integral part of the Series of Vibroengineering Conferences started in 1999. Vibroengineering Procedia is indexed in major scientific databases: Scopus, EI Compendex, Inspec, Gale Cengage, Google Scholar and EBSCO.
JVE conferences feature a broad range of high-level technical presentations, vibrant discussions and key experts and scientists from all over the world. The conference provides an opportunity to communicate your recent research advances, exchange ideas in innovative engineering technologies and enjoy endless networking advantages. With your participation, this Conference will prove to be an exciting scientific event, a fruitful opportunity to promote scientific research, technological development and its application.
Organizing Comittee

Conference Program
Sponsors and Partners
Conference in Zittau, Germany was organized by JVE International with the partnership of Hochschule Zittau University of Applied Sciences.

Hochschule Zittau University of Applied Sciences is located in the midst of gorgeous landscapes in the tri-border region where Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland meet.
Over 100 professors guarantee an outstanding teaching quality followed by excellent career prospects.
HSZG is a truly international institution. We have partnerships with 126 universities in 40 countries: from South Africa to the USA, from Brazil through the UK to Russia and China. For our students, we are a stepping stone to the big wide world.
Our exceptional areas of expertise are Energy and the Environment and Transformations in Industry and Society. We continue to develop these in our teaching and research.
Kaunas University of Technology had its beginning on 16 February 1922, when the University of Lithuania and its technical faculties were established. The development of Lithuanian scientific ideas continued in the first Lithuanian independent technical school of higher education (in 1950–1990 titled Kaunas Polytechnic Institute (KPI)). It was famous for the ultrasound and vibrotechnics laboratories, and scientific research of textiles. In 1990 KTU regained its status of the university and took a path of rapid reforms of studies and research. The University continues to pursue sustainable partnership of science, business and industry, develops and implements new ideas, innovations and inventions.