Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring

Devoted to the fields of plant maintenance, asset management, reliability, condition monitoring and related areas

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Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring

Maintenance, Reliability and Condition Monitoring (MARC) ISSN (Online) 2669-2961 is devoted to a broad area with multi-disciplinary interests in the fields of plant maintenance, asset management, reliability, condition monitoring and related areas, ranging from fundamental research to real-world applications.

Established in 2021 and published 2 times a year (semiannually).


Editorial board

Jyoti K. Sinha
Editor in Chief
Prof. Jyoti K. Sinha
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
David Mba
David Mba
De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom
Gopinath Chattopadhyay
Gopinath Chattopadhyay
Federation University, Australia
Stephan Heyns
Stephan Heyns
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Lin Jing
Lin Jing
Beihang University, China
Uday Kumar
Uday Kumar
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Andrew K S Jardine
Andrew K S Jardine
University of Toronto, Canada

All of Extrica's content is archived in Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals.

Ready to submit? Check if your research is suitable with principal topics of the Journal
Vibro-acoustics monitoring
Asset management
Condition-based maintenance
Condition monitoring
eMaintenance, mobile technology
Health, safety and environment
Sensing and instrumentation
Life cycle cost optimization
Machine health monitoring
Machine lube oil analysis and monitoring
Maintenance auditing
Prognostics and health management
Maintenance organization
Maintenance performance measurement
Non-destructive testing
Manufacturing process monitoring
Plant outage
Turnaround management
Reliability, maintainability and risk
Robot based monitoring and diagnostics
AI technologies
Signal and image processing methods
Intelligent fault diagnosis
June 30th
December 31st